Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final Portfolio


Taking Life-drawing over the last couple months has taught me many things. I have learned the importance of understanding the human shape and form, I have learned to combine what I know and what I see to complete drawings, and most importantly I have learned how to accurately draw the human body.
As the semester came to an end I began to see changes in my drawings. In the beginning of the class I had a hard time drawing only what we told to draw. I always wanted to get ahead of myself and just draw the whole form. However, as the semester continued, I learned to draw a lot slower and only focus on what we were learning at the time. I think my biggest weakness when drawing was the speed. I drew way too fast at the start of the class, but then I really tried hard to slow down and get all the proportions and placements accurate. I think my biggest strength when drawing is my delicate style and precision. A lot of my drawings look very clean and meticulous.  My style of drawing definitely developed throughout the semester as we began to draw to my complicated forms.
Using the manikin definitely helped when trying to draw the human body. Spending hours forming each of the muscles in the body forced me to remember how those muscles look, act, and work with each other. Therefore, when I was drawing in class I would draw a part of the body and quickly remember where those muscles where on my manikin. This helped me to give my drawings dimension and form where it needed it.
I think what I will use the most from this class was the act of looking and understanding. Not only were we told to draw what we see, but we were also taught what goes on underneath the body. Knowing that helped me understand how to draw the forms every better.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week Thirteen: Face/Full body

Well, it was our last full week of class and it was packed full of new information. Monday we began by working on the face. We started a drawing of the model's face that was to be completed over the course of the next two classes. Altogether, it would be about a three hour drawing. So, after learning how to draw the eyes, nose, and lips, Monday was the day we began to put it all together. I found this to be very challenging. I needed a lot of placement adjustments, but after Amy's help I got everything in it proper place. The lips were the most difficult for me.
Wednesday we continued our drawings of the face. I had the eyes, nose, and lips in the correct place, so Wednesday I began to darken lines, and draw contour lines to show depth and form. I wasn't completely satisfied with my drawing, but I think I have a much better understanding of the facial features.

Friday we out everything together. I had a lot of fun with this because I have been waiting to draw the entire figure for so long. I was pretty satisfied with my drawing in the end. Below is my drawing from friday which I believe we are continuing to work on during Monday's class.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week Twelve: Skull/nose/eyes

This week was a short week. Monday we had no class because of Spring Holiday. Wednesday we started lessons on drawing the nose. Amy only did a short lecture of drawing the planes of the nose in order to give us more time to draw. We were told to pair up and take turns drawing each other's noses. Each of us had to complete a 20 minute drawing. It was a little difficult because there are actually a lot of planes involved in drawing the nose. However, I feel I understood the nose by the time I finished my drawing.
After completing our drawings of the nose, Amy did another short lecture on drawing the eyes. By the tip she finished explaining the eyes, we only had enough time left in class for one person to complete a drawing. So, I wasn't able to draw my partner's eyes.
The week before we spent a whole class period drawing the skull. To the right is a drawing from the previous week of the profile of the skull. I actually really enjoyed drawing the skull. We got a lot of class time to complete it, so I took my time, got a few pointers from Amy, and just enjoyed drawing. Parts of it were a little complicated, but I think it turned out well.
Below is a drawing from Wednesday of the nose. When thinking of the nose in terms of planes, it was much easier to draw I think. In my first drawing on the top the angle was a little too exaggerated so I drew a second one which I think turned out much better.